Finding Joy in Your Personal Style w— Morgan Wider

"You are worthy of being seen. Right now. In this moment…You are worthy of being seen, and use your wardrobe to allow people to see all the beauty that you have."

Morgan Wider is a stylist and speaker who helps women gets free from the rules and limitations they have around their bodies and wardrobes. In this episode, she shares the psychology hiding behind our clothes and how to show up as our most confident selves.

We discuss

  • How she used to wear clothes in order to hide herself

  • How clothes can function as a tool for personal transformation

  • How clothing can demonstrate belonging or otherness

  • Our subconscious rules and body beliefs that show up in how we dress

  • How size is an imaginary concept

  • How our wardrobe can help us get comfortable with being seen

  • The imposter syndrome around feeling good and beautiful

  • The excuses we make to not show up as our confident selves

  • Where to start when we experience choice paralysis


If you enjoyed the episode, check out —
Episode w— Dr Tiffany Johnson

More about our guest —
Morgan's website
Morgan's IG
Morgan's book, The Worthy Wardrobe

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