the Astrology for March 2023

In this post, astrologer Amber Jay walks us through the main transits for March 2023.

March 2 —Venus + Jupiter conjoin in Aries

The two benefics are coming together. Everything is beautiful and feels good. Jupiter is like: Who is the party? and Venus is like : Oh my god, I did. Me! I'm ready to party! And it's kind of nice because it Venus doesn't love to be in Aries, but Jupiter is having fun and showing Venus how to let loose.

March 2 — Saturn + Mercury conjoin in Aquarius

Then we have Mercury finally hitting Saturn. And it's so different. It's like Jupiter and Venus are partying, and Saturn and Mercury are trying to come up with like new rules for society. They're doing political work over here while Venus and Jupiter are having fun. So there's really different conversations that both planets are having. So in my opinion, it's kind of like when you receive a bunch of money, but you immediately have to pay a bill. It's kind of happy yet sober income, same time.

March 2 — Mercury enters Pisces

It's like when you really go and give it your all at work. You complete the task, you feel good, you feel accomplished, and then you go home and you just hit the bed. That’s like Mercury entering Pisces. Mercury doesn't love being in Pisces but, at the same time, it's like talking with Saturn and then they just get to come home and be loose relax. And that's how I feel about all the rest of the planets going past Saturn. Saturn is making them work, but then they get to go home and maybe write a poem.

March 7 — Full Moon in Virgo

It's mostly just like is your room clean? Have you done your work? In life, have you done the things that you need to do to complete your to-do list? The full moon is answering to Mercury in Pisces so the Moon doesn’t have to be as Virgo as usual. They may be opposite signs, so it's almost like they're talking about the same thing, but just have different perspectives. With this full moon, it's like finding creative ways to answer to the call. In Virgo, the Moon may be concerned with tasks and eating well and doing chores, but ruled with the Pisces perspective you may be allowing yourself to have an imaginative way to get those things done.

March 7 — Saturn enters Pisces

I love the fact that Saturn is going into Pisces. It's been in Capricorn and Aquarius with maximum power, having all the control in the world. Okay, please stop. We got it. Lessons have been learned. In general, I think of Saturn in Capricorn + Aquarius as a crotchety old man —kind of like that type of older man who's just putting pressures on for pressure’s sake, preparing for every single thing even if there's nothing to prepare for. Saturn in Pisces so much nicer, in my opinion, so much more calm. It's like the meditating old man who speaks to you in riddles, like Yoda, who is letting you choose what you want to do and also allowing you your consequences, like an old guru. They’re letting us sort of come to our own conclusions. I feel like it's going to be a lot more calm and sort of show people that even though Saturn can be a hard planet, I don't think it has to be as harsh as it's been for the last five years.

March 16 — Venus enters Taurus

I love Venus in Aries — it’s a lot of energy and taking that thing that you want. But, in Taurus, she’s concerned with if you still have food in the fridge; there’s pillows everywhere + downtime. In the Aries house, it’s been more go, go, go! and sleep when you’re dead. Venus in Taurus is more chill and relaxed. Taurus is interested in money, the material and that real physical, tangible comfort. In this sign, it does people well to look around, count their blessings, see what they have and embody that comfort and security.

March 19 + 20 — Sun + Mercury enter Aries

This is the astrological new year when the Sun enters Aries, which is a great place for the Sun to be healing. I always think, when the Sun enters this sign, that there is probably something new starting, maybe something you haven’t done before (even if it’s very minor). Both of these planets moving into Aries might be a bit like waking up from a really good night's sleep and you’re really ready to start the day. Aries is full of energy; so I'm really excited for it because it will help us embody some of these bigger changes and transits like Saturn entering Pisces.

March 21 — Aries New Moon

One of the things I love about 0° Aries is that it's literally the beginning of the beginning. Plus it's a new moon. So it's like the beginning of the beginning of the beginning. So it feels super fresh, like you might get to start over. When I look at this new moon, I think people are feel like the year is starting right now and they have truly transitioned over. I feel like our self expression, our emotions, and even the way we talk with each other is going to become very direct and open — like they are full of vitality, energized and ready to go. It’s almost a little push that’s making you step into yourself.

March 23 — Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto is an outer planet; so it’s like imagining one of the higher powers of the universe. We’re so far away that we look like ants to this power, and it’s not sentimental at all. It’s almost like we just get caught up in their push and pull because that’s the way the energy needs to go; so it’s not very personal at all. I think Pluto likes to teach acceptance —this is just what's happening. And we need to be okay with surrendering to simply what is happening. And it's not your fault, and you didn't do anything to make it happen this way. And these changes may not even be the consequences of your own actions. This is just simply the way that the energy is going. What’s a big movement or change to an ant might seem inconsequential and small to a giant. Aquarius is future minded, and it's about the next level, the next step. It's about technology and innovation, but it's also about systems and structures because it's Saturnian. So I feel like with Pluto in Aquarius, it's going to be touching on all of these things that we may have a blind spot to. Pluto isn't speedy, instead it's very deep and intense. So there maybe be a lot of intensity around how things can change and how modernized things can become, how advanced things can become, how the technology can grow. Pay a lot of attention to what's happening from the end of March till the middle of June. Pluto is going to be hanging out in this beginning of Aquarius, giving us just a taste; and we can then take that knowledge, prepare and apply it when we Pluto returns in 2024 long-term.

March 25 — Mars enters Cancer

Mars, when it's in Cancer, can be a little annoyed because they’re like — how am I supposed to fight people with all this food, pillows and blankets everywhere? all these people cuddled up watching their favorite TV show are in my way! So Mars has to get creative. It's going to do its job of being Mars, which is ambition, desire, physical energy, and and effort. I think Mars moving out of Gemini, even though it’s moving into a sign where it’s debilitated, it’s still a change. At the very least, I feel that this difference is exciting me in some way. Mars can’t do their Martian things in the regular way. You may have to do them in an emotional way. You have to do them in a way that tries to make everybody feel comfortable. You maybe have to take care of the people involved or make sure you're not being too pointy with your words or your actions. At the end of the day, the word I keep getting for this transit is relief. It’s a relief to be free of something, to at least be on to the next thing.

Last Words…..

For March, there are clearly a lot of things happening, and change can feel scary. So this is a good time to practice understanding and acceptance and to surrender the things we can’t control, don’t want to control and aren’t meant to control. You don’t want to hold it. Let the universe handle it. You can control what you are doing, how you’re reacting but then do that while also trusting, allowing things to play out.


Amber Jay is an astrologer with over 10 years of astrological research under her belt. She utilizes astrology as a practical tool that is enlightening and freeing, focusing on pulling out the inherent wisdom that lies within all of us.

Learn more about her work + offerings on her website. + be sure to follow her on Instagram.


the 8th House in Astrology